Sunday, July 31, 2011

kata- kata yang INDAH :)

- Nasihat itu kadang-kadang perlu keras & kadang-kadang harus lembut , bergantung kepada betapa tebalnya pintu yang menutup hati & fikiran sesseorang.

- Biar buruk rupa asal hatinya bersih , jangan buruk rupa dan hati kerana akan dipandang hina.


should :
*never expect
*never demand
*never assume

know :
*your limits
*where to stand
*your role

dont :
*get affected
*get jealous
*get paranoid

just :
*go with the flow
*be happy.

- If you cry at trouble; it will grows double, if you laugh at trouble; it will disappears like a bubble.

- love the way you make me hurtt :)

- kawan yang baik x pernah memaksa kawan baiknya untuk berada disisinya. kawan yang baik x pernah melarang kawan baiknya untuk berkawan dengan orang yang baik.
kawan yang baik x prnah cemburu jika kawan baiknya mempunyai banyak kawan baik.,kerna kawan yang baik tau ape yang terbaik untuk kawan baiknya..

- I love you , words from the bottom of my heart . I love you , words which I would like to say again a thousand times . Until now I haven't given you anything . So , I want to give you more now . Words which I would like to tell to only you ;)

- Will you marry me ? Will you live forever with me ? Whilst loving each other . I want to have a child that looks like me , Another looks like you :) To be honest with you . I like you more than you like me . I'll love you more , I'll take care of you . If you cry , if you're having a hard time . If you're hurt , I'll hurt with you . I want to love only you everyday ;)

- awak tak pernah tahu & sedar betapa pentingnya awak dalam hidup saya. kalau lah awak tahu, mesti saya akan jadi manusia paling bahagia dalam dunia :)

- A relationship doesn't need any promises, terms or conditions , it just need two wonderful person , one who can TRUST and one who can UNDERSTAND :)

- Don't choose the one who is the beautiful to the world ,But rather choose the one , who makes your world beautiful :)

- GOODBYE without reason is the most painful one , LOVE without reason is the most beautiful one :)

- percaya atau tidak, SAYASAYANGAWAK! ♥

- I will always love you , Altough you has gone from my life ♥

- Most common mistakes we are made without we realise that finally regret and dissapointed.........

- When you're single, all you see is happy couples. And when you become a couple, all you see is happy singles. Hm, let's have a scandal then.

- i love you not because i need you, but i need you because i love you ♥

- telling other people ugly doesnt make you any prettier :O

- I don't need you anymore. Like you care about me bitch? Well, thanks for evrythng :)

- Pada suatu masa kita harus melepaskan sesuatu yang amat kita sayangi. Oleh itu, kita mestilah tabah dan sabar hadapi semua itu.

- maybe i'm not good enough to take care of your heart right :(

- Drop the feeling, and start to move on into the new world. I'm done b'cause I'm tired being so over with my own feeling.

- The best thing about an enemy is that he tells THE TRUTH about you

- kau menggodaku melalui SENYUMAN :) dan aku biasanya tertarik dgn seseorangg kerana SENYUMAN :)

- Bumi ini BULAT, awak pusing ke kanan, saya pusing ke kiri. Pasti kita akan bertemu kembali..

- Masa itu sentiasa berjalan. Tanpa sempat kita mengejarnya, jika kita leka dan alpa dengan urusan dunia, akhirat kita akan merana.

- CINTA suatu kuasa yang sangat hebaat! Hingga bisa membuat org menjadi, BUTA,PEKAK,BISU dan GILA.

- Mengapa perlu kita mempersoalkan perkara yang telah berlaku. Sesungguhnya, yang baik itu dtg dari ALLAH. Dan Sebaliknya salah kita sendiri.

- And you asked why people always expected you to smile in photographs. And I told you it was because they hoped that in the future, there would be something to smile about.

- You close your eyes when you cry. That's ok. Just don't keep them closed too long. Things have become beautiful since you last looked. There's nothing more to cry about.

- Those above you will one day be below you.Those below you will one day be above you.That’s why you always treat everyone,as those beside you

- Sebenarnya lebih baik Si dia mencinta kita, daripada kita mencintai dia. Kerana selalunya orang yang kita cinta tidak akan bertahan lama. Tetapi sebaliknya kerana dia yang mencari dan menagih cinta kita... Lumrah percintaan :) ♥

- Aku tidak memaksa. Aku ingin ianya datang dari hatinya yang tulus! Aku ingin kau merasakan kebahagiaan itu sendiri. Bukan kerana dibuat-buat

- Takut mati kedudukannya lebih rendah daripada takut ke neraka.

- Wish you were here. Wish I was there. Wish it was different. Wish wishes came true.I'd wish you back.

- I pray you're ok. That it's ok. I pray all the parts of you that I remember are still there. I pray that you're happy. Even if it's not with me.

- But love is none of these things. It won't suddenly make every day ok. It won't change who you are. It won't make your car go faster. It doesn't even wash your dishes.
All love is, is love. And that's all it needs to be, really.

- When you're at the top, remember what if felt like at the bottom. When you're at the bottom, remember what it felt like at the top.
Good doesn't last forever. Neither does bad.

- The only thing we've written down happened yesterday. What you do today is a new page...


- If I could just tell you that I secretly love you!

- A girl can still be beautiful without showing too much skin.

- Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada di dekat kamu dan ingin menghabiskan hari-harinya hanya dengan kamu

- WHAT BOYS SHOULD KNOW : There's always one guy a girl can't hate no matter how much he hurts her :-/

- You can love someone for a day, a week, a month, or even a year. But it still takes your whole lifetime to forget them :')

- My biggest reward is to see you smile, know you are happy, and feel you are loved. I know life is sometimes cruel, but that's why I'm here, to show you that life can be good when somebody cares.

- Don't cry for a man who's left you, the next one may fall for your smile.

- kadang kadang kita memerlukan seseorang untuk melupakan seseorang :)

- Bagi sy, SAHABAT yang paling baik ialah KELUARGA SENDIRI. Tiada "sahabat" yang kekal di dunia ini selain drpd keluarga yang selalu mendampingi kita kala snang dan susah. Susah mau dapat "sahabat" yang slalu berkgsi msalah, mnyayangi kita setiap masa selain drpda mreka. Buruk-buruk mereka pun,mereka tetap "sahabat" trbaik bagi sy. That's why, I love my mama, papa n siblings ~ There are in my heart always =) PROMISE !

- true love is when you shed a tear and still want him . its when he ignores you and you still love him . its when he loves another but you still smile and say Im happy for you . when all you really do is cry cry and cry :)

- Everyday, YOU make me happy. Everyday, YOU make me wanna meet eu. Everyday, your call n sms is always different and make a relationship stronger. Everyday, i cant lying myself that i really miss you. YES, i do, i love you :)

- love is a cycle . when you love , you get hurt , you hate . when you hate , you try to forget . when you try to forget , you start missing .. and when you start missing , eventually you'll fall in love again

- I love him. but he never understand me..with what else I need to use and do so that he understands me.

- kalu kawan,dia ada sekejap jer,kalu adik wat jahat ke,die wat xtau jer,die xkan bg nshat kat adik.kalu sahabat,die kekal selama-lamanya disisi adik,slalu bantu adik,ada dis sisi adik,kalu kekasih,die setia ngan adik,x pndang pompuan len,anggap adik masa depan die...sampai la korang bersatu

- setiap peringkat hubungn manusia nie ada baik n buruknya

- jgn d fkir bnda yg remeh..krna ia nye akn mmudaratkn dri kte blk..brhnti fkir bnda yg ngatif..akal kte akn trcemar.ble akal trcemar,kte akn ssah brfkir utk kbaikn..sntiasa fkir prkara yg

- I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you're doing, but I can't help it, cause I'm in love with you.

- Never say i love you , if you really don't care . Never talk about feeling , if there arent really there . Never hold my hand , if you're going to break my heart . Never look into my eyes , if all you do is lie . Never say Hello , if what you really mean is goodbye . If you really mean forever , then say you will try . Never say forever , cause forever makes me cry .

- dont think that all girls are weak and can be toyed !

- When I say I like you, yes I really like you. But if I say I love you, I'm afraid of losing you instead of getting closer with you. I don't want the past comes back. I really meant it.

- when you smile , the whole world stops and stares for awhile honey :D

- Ikhlas itu satu misteri, hanya kita dan Allah saja yang tahu.. Keikhlasan itu ibarat semut hitam diatas batu hitam pada waktu malam.. Hati yang rancak memanggil-manggil untuk melakukan kebaikan, dari situ terbitnya Keikhlasan..

- maksudnya.. bila hati kita rancak untuk membuat kebaikan.. itu lah maksud keikhlasan. example : ko mulakan dgn solat sunat rawatib.. then habis solat uh, hati ko terdetik nk solat hajat plak, then habis terdetik lagi nak buat solat sunat tasbih.. and makin lama makin ko terdetik nk dekatkn diri dgn Allah. setiap pekerjaan yg kita lakukan adalah ibadah kalau niat kerana Allah. tapi sukar bg manusia mcm aq hari ni nak cari keikhlasan. ayat pertama uh merupakan pengenalan, ayat kedua merupakan tanggapan, ayat terakhir merupakan jawapan bagi aq yg tertanya-tanya akan kesimpulan utk dapat merasai keikhlasan.

- I think I adore yellow color. Red too. Yes blue too. Green also. Black as well. Aahhh white nearly forget. Me like orange too. Pink is soft, so love it too. What about grey? It's the color of dust but I like it. I adore coco too as I love choc cake so much. OMG what actually my fav color is? Still searching. Haha thanks for reading. (;

‎- seperti duri yang tertanam di dalam daging, duri itu mesti dicabut,
ingatan tersebut mesti dibuang jauh-jauh. kenangan
tidak dapat DIHILANGKAN, tetapi boleh DILUPAKAN. Album gambar boleh dibakar, cakera keras boleh
diformat semula menjadi kosong, tetapi ingatan manusia akan dibawa
sampai ke mati. - ♥

- Tetap kasih walau diri tersisih , tetap menyayangi walau sering dilukai , tetap menyintai walau akhirnya diri didustai , cinta tidak perlu dipaksa , ia lahir dari hati yang ikhlas walau tewas.

- Jangan sombong dengan ilmu kerana kita semua sebenarnya jahil & tiada sebarang ilmu kerana semuanya datang daripada Allah & semuja milik-Nya :)

- Tiada manusia yang berjaya dalam semua yang dilakukannya kerana kewujudan kita ini sebenarnya mesti menempuhi kegagalan. Yang penting ialah kita tidak menjadi lemah semasa kegagalan itu terjadi dan kekalkan usaha hingga ke akhir hayat

- Yang menambahkan rezeki itu sedekah , yang panjangkan umur itu amal kebajikan , & yang mampu ubah takdir hanyalah dengan berdoa.

- Cinta itu akarnya kasih , tunjangnya sayang , umbinya nafsu.

- Barang siapa yang mudah memperkenankan permintaan temannya maka Allah akan mudah pula memperkenankan permintaannya.

- Siapa yang menyayangimu akan menasihatimu , siapa yang tidak mengasihimu akan hanya membiarkanmu.

- Kesedaran walau sesaat seringkali berharga daripada pengalaman sepanjang hayat.

- Penyakit jiwa yang paling berbahaya ialah SOMBONG.

- Your attitude determines you altitude.

- I am not the smartest or most talented person in the world but i succed because i keep going and going and going :)

- Setiap manusia adalah membentuk nasibnya sendiri.

- To get the best , i give my very best.

- I find that the harder i work , the more luck i seem to have.

- Sedetik waktu yang berlalu , sepantas itulah manusia ketinggalan.

-MANUSIA : BODOH: tak belajar dari pengalaman sendiri dan tak belajar dari pengalaman orang lain PANDAI: belajar dari pengalaman sendiri tapi tak belajar dari pengalaman orang lain BIJAK: belajar dari pengalaman sendiri dan pengalaman orang lain….

-usahlah kita menghakimi orang lain kerana mungkin suatu hari nanti dia akan jauh lebih baik drpd kita.

sincerely by nedy ^_^

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