Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else, but it’s more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you :')

hey baby! ;) im here , and im back! huhu , gembire setelah berkurun membiarkan entry sy penuh dgn dedebu mewangi ;) hehe ,
skrg tgh cuti , dh lame tk updte ;) byk beno berita yg happy , tpi dh tk brpe nk ingt , hha, firstly : bru je abes MID year exm , fuhh ;) lege skit , tpi SPM punye blum lege lg , haha , btw aritu KAWAD KAKI KRS kami dpt tmpt kedueee , yuhuuu ;) gembira teramt sngt , stelah pnt lelah buat latihan , akhirnye dpt hasil yg cukup membanggekan ;) yeah ;) Alhamdulillah , bnyk2 bersyukur . heeee .

title blog ni sy nk huraikan sedikit ;) ngeh2
It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else, but it’s more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you :')
sakit kn rase hti ni ;( hmmph , tpi now dh okay dh , ngeh2 ;)

lagu ni best ;) ade bnyk mksod <3 thnks baby!
terharu sbb awk bg ;) hehe , jgn noti2 ;) meoww :Pngeh , p/s : iloveyoubaby!
n lagi terharu my SUPERMAN give me this song , so sweet , i lovethissongsomuch NISAA <3

youtube : by chance (you & i)

haha , sweet sngt nisaa :) aww rndu ,

this for youu baby!

sincerely by nedy ^_^

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