Monday, December 20, 2010

can't wait :)

hell lll oooo :) anybdy here ? hha , nedy in the housee ni , ^_^
haha , idk nk ckp pe , haha , okay now kite cte psl 1 weeks i pegy camp :)
ICTPHOTOARTCAMP 2010 di multimedia college jalan gurney :) hee , it was a best moment , :) bnyk bnde blaja , tgk dunie bru , hehe , cewahh , ase dulu duk lam gue , tk thu pape , now dah ade ckit ilmu , adobe ? korg pena dnga tk ? haha adobe photoshop lorr , aha , i ade beli software ni dulu , but tk rety gune *eksyen kn ? haha , bodo stupid nmenye , hhaa , beli but tk thu pki , haha , so i thu edit gmbr je , yg len tk tu , hee -.- skrg lebih ckit je i punye ilmu , cewahh , haha , sng ar gk bile dh blaja kt sne , haha , mule mule hard ckit but lps tu getting btter :) hee

mule mule smpi tu kn , 1 orang pon i tk kenal , hehe , tkot pon ade , cuak pon ade *bkn sme ke due due tuh , hha , hmm tapela , lyn je , haha , time tga dduk uh my mind dh set mesty tk best ni , hehe , sorry , sbb tgk mule mule pon dah mcm bsan ckit , hehe :)sorry , tpi lps msok kls , haha , happening gile bhaii , hehe , *ade gile tuh , haha , bak kata syafa happening tk gile , haha ,

first2 , kls cik latz , haha , mcm2 lah die tnye , intrduce our self dlu , hehe , lwk gile , tk thn nk glak , haha , :) *ttbe tersenyum je tringt this moment , hha , klaka habes ,then msok plk abg wak , abg bob , abg nas , abg aiman , abg payid , abg adi n stu lg abg tk thu name, hehe , the n ade kak aisyah , n kak wani :) hee , gembire dpt berkenalan dgn abg n akk jugk :) ngee , dpt bnyk ilmuuuuuu :) suke sngt , hehe , yg pling tk saba bile hri tu , time reakreasi , mule mule ingtkn nk bersenm ke hape ke kn , haha ,rupe nye men gme :) ngee , tk berhenti gelak bile gme dh start :) haha , tringt blik dri hri 1st untill 5th :) *rnddduuuuuuuu <3

mari kite berkenalan gn lect kite , hehe , bak kate kak aisyah n kak wani diorg tk pngil cikgu lah , pensyarah lah , ape lah , lect je diorg pnggil :) haha tpi kitaorg pngil cik je , 1st lect photography n internet ialah cik latz kite , hha , then scnd for adobe photoshop lect ialah cik joe , then lect for illus puan *sry i tk ingt nme tis lect ,hihi , SO SORRY , tpi die punye face ingt :)

hee , then everyday class was happening :) foe me lah , tk thu kalo korg tk :)hmm , then hri jumaat ritu dh last , rase mcm tnk blik plk , time last gme tuh , abg bob buat gme kelaka , ntah lupe l k nme tuh , haha , but best :D tk berhenti gelak :) then mjlis penutup :( sdeh tnk tglkn camp ni , huhu , ape boleh buat hnye 5 hri je , then dhdpt sjil , habes , then ade snap pict for all , bnyk gile camera yg cik latz and abg syammil kene snap , dlm bnyk2 tu cik latz n abg syammil tade pon , syg btol ,kesian diorg , tape tape , nti kite snap lg ,eyy , hehe , then snap picture gn kengkawan , hehe , bestt :) best moment :) but blum tngkp dgn kwn2 lg , bru snap gn faci dh my daddy cll , :( tk sempt , adoii , nek je kete , kene mara -.- sdeh :( coz m daddy ade meeting n i tk thu die ade meeting , hmm , blik tu plk sdih , haish , spoil btol :( hmm sokay , stop cte bout tht :)

yg pstinye , rndu gile nk pegy sane lgi :) ngee , hehe , tlg bwkkn sy ke sne , n bwk diorg skli , :) i just mke a wish , hehe , RINDUUUU nk blaja lg , nk gurau2 lgi gn abg n akk faci , hehe , jmpe frends :) hehe , rndu oh :) hehe ,

act tjuk tu tade kene mengene gn contain d ats , ni i bru nk cte , :) hee , can't wait tunggu this rbu , means lusa :) i hope it would be a best moment :) full of hope :) tu jela nk ckp , haha , just hve fun jela :) ngee , btol tk ? hee , dear , imy a lot >,<

sincerely by nedy ^_^

1 comment:

  1. hahahhaa...aktiviti kite ialah menari mcm shin chan..heeee :)-abg bob
